YARRR it be the searcher

Thursday, March 18, 2010

a ryme time

we got twitter!
we got youtube!
we are unknown
but we love you too!
and we thank you
for checking us out!
WELLL WE MIGHT JUST go up and quit, but so far its been fun so have at it!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

SO sara has deleted her facebook.... why i do not know. but anyway opeing to get this shit up and running, so any ideas what we should do it on?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the epidemic on facebook

i know what your thinking; but no its not those "i lol'd so hard when i saw this donkey licking his own ass!" , no we are talking about the status epidemic going on, right now its the bizzare writeing aids that are our keyboards, ladies and gentlemen i present the "||". this messed up little do hicky is making the people we know and love on facebook look like total tards, i am sorry but its true, along with its brothers the "{}" and that bastard the "[]" its scary really... and its spreading fast, so today i ask of you, save your family and friends by spaying and nutering your pets... good day


well it seems we have decided to make a podcast!

so we have made a podcast and now we have a blog, well its the other-way around, basically we will try and update as soon as possible, separate or together,well good night everyone!